Prospective families often ask me what I would change about Tabor if I could change just one thing. My answer: I wish Tabor Academy were its own time zone with about 30 hours in each day instead of just 24.
Laura Burgess
Recent Posts
Tabor’s annual Fall Admissions Open House is coming up soon! On Sunday, November 3rd we will welcome many visiting families to experience life at our School by the Sea.
Topics: Admissions
We’re preparing for our first big admissions event of the year! Our annual fall admissions open house will take place on Sunday, November 4th.
Topics: Admissions
The irony of the boarding school search process is that the busiest and most ambitious kids often are the ones seeking these opportunities, but the process of getting there is quite involved, making them even busier. We know we are asking a great deal of kids and families with already-busy lives, and we are always grateful for the work that goes into selecting the best fit boarding school for you!
Topics: Admissions
5 Helpful Tips for your Application to Independent School
It’s beginning to look a lot like application season! With each passing day, we are clicking “complete” on more and more applications completed by our prospective Seawolves. Most admissions people appreciate the cyclical nature of our work. From travel to interviewing to reading, each phase of the process has distinct elements to it. Traveling is wonderful, but you can’t wait for the awesome kids you meet on the road to visit campus. Campus visits and interviews are great because they get you excited to read their applications! And lastly, reading applications is rewarding because you start to imagine all these great kids becoming part of the story of your school.
Topics: Admissions
The head of another independent boarding school once said to me, “I suspect you have very wise parents.” It was such a humbling compliment because I truly do. My parents are wise, kind, well-educated, and fun. In my line of work, I often hear from parents, “Oh, I love my child too much to send them to boarding school!” Some parents even have a strong physical reaction, reaching out to grab their child or pull them closer. Comments like that used to make me sad, because I went to boarding school and my parents loved me very much (Still do!). Now those comments just fuel my creative juices for new blog posts.
Topics: Tabor Academy, Admissions
Education rights activist Malala Yousafzai tells us that, “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” School is a fundamental aspect of a child’s life, and each child’s life holds the undeniable potential to impact the world. Most parents approach high school without realizing there is a choice when considering how to maximize their child’s potential. It is the recognition of this innate potential that drives the school choice movement. Before the “choice” is made, an objective school search should be undertaken. That search might include boarding schools, day schools, parochial schools, charter schools as well as taking a critical look at your hometown public school. In this post, we offer an outline and our words of wisdom on how to approach the process in hopes that it may feel more accessible.
Topics: Tabor Academy, Admissions