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Building a Dorm Community

Posted by Samii Figueroa '17 on Sep 19, 2016 3:29:58 PM



Proctors arrived to campus a few days early on September 1st for the proctor orientation that would take place over the course of the week. We met with Mr. Millette twice a day for our training, which consisted of various leadership training activities and lectures.

For the week of orientation we heard from various teachers. We heard from Mr. and Mrs. Millette and Mr. Patracelli. Mr. Millette gave us a binder that consisted of things from our contract, how to comfort with students with homesickness to how to tell when someone is depressed. We talked further in depth with Mrs. Millette about being aware of people’s mental conditions and what to do when someone was feeling homesick. Mr. Patracelli introduced himself to us as the new head of counseling and told us a little bit about himself.

We also heard from Mr. Downes, Mr. DaSilva, Mr. Pardo, and Mrs. Walker- Johnson, where we heard about diversity and inclusion efforts in the dorms. Mr. Downes and Mr. DaSilva talked about having international students in the dorm and ways to help them feel more comfortable and how to form better connections with them. Mr. Pardo and Mrs. Walker- Johnson talked about many parts of diversity like race, socio-economic status, sexuality etc. This was also very helpful because we learned that before we can help others be comfortable with themselves, we have to be comfortable ourselves.

Dean of Students Ms. Bride was also involved in the training. She spoke about how to build our dorm culture. She asked us questions to get us think about what we'd like our specific dorm culture to be like.  After we answered some questions and put some thought into our ideal dorm, we came us with strategies on how to turn these thoughts into plans. My fellow proctor and I came to the conclusion that we want our dorm to be a dorm where everyone feels at home, that has a nice balance of fun and quiet.

I remember when I first moved into Tabor. My mom was just about getting ready to say bye to me when I met, Caleigh, one of my proctors. I remember her making me feel welcomed and as if everything was going to be okay. Now as a proctor I hope to make people feel the same.

Topics: Student Life, Global Citizens, Leadership at Tabor, Campus Life