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Ripple Effect

Posted by ksaltonstall on Oct 25, 2013 12:02:14 PM

You've heard the saying: our actions have a ripple effect. Today, the saying is Pay it Forward; for every nice thing that has happened to you, try doing something nice for three more people to "pay it forward." These concepts were the focus of a wonderful Chapel Talk by Jessica Lowe '14 on Thursday that caused the audience to jump to their feet in applause.

Tabor is a pay it forward kind of place. We work hard and play hard, but we also strive to take care of one another. Sometimes that is some tough feedback that needs to be delivered, other times it is a kind word, a smile, or some hearty congratulations. Community is a focus here, and that is important.

The Advancement Office facilitates the same concept among our alumni. There are huge rewards in this effort for us all, and really the possibilities are endless. I wanted to share some of the ripple effects that alumni are starting.

Alumni in Boston are working together to pull together a networking event for the many people who are seeking employment, or are not so satisfied with their current job. These alums are "paying it forward" by stepping up to lead a panel discussion and help connect their fellow alums. Another young alum I recently met is hoping to launch a Coffee Connection to share ideas, challenges and support for those launching or running their own businesses (as so many of our alumni do). A student has created a website where recent grads can connect with students to share news about their perceptions of their new lives at college. Someone just called the other day to help support our fledgling anglers! There is a desire to connect and to help each other, strengthening our community.

On the volunteer front, parents and alumni are working hard to keep people connected and aware of the many avenues to help our students and faculty. Our trustees are probably the hardest working of all our volunteers, united and invested in the misison Tabor promises its students.

It is great to see our extended community build strength. There is so much we can do together to support each other and it is gratifying to see the effects of our actions.

On campus on Thursday, after Chapel, it was friendlier, happier. People took time to get out of their heads and say hi on the paths and smile. Not so hard to do if you think about it. Baby steps toward the kind of community that continues those friendly and helpful gestures to members across the globe long after graduation.

Here we go, Tabor, here we go!

Topics: Alumni