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Out on a Limb?!

Posted by ksaltonstall on Sep 7, 2012 9:16:03 AM

Our Freshman Class of 2016 deserves a lot of credit! They made a choice to jump out of their comfort zone and join a new community. Not only that, almost as soon as they got here, we sent them off to Camp Hayward for yet another new start. Out on a limb? Not a chance!

During their 24 hours at Camp Hayward the class works on getting to know each other, building trust and class cohesiveness and setting some personal goals. They were asked to think seriously about the year ahead. About the very real opportunity they have been given by their parents and Tabor to make the most of themselves. They responded by sharing some lofty goals for 14 year old children: make a varsity team by sophomore year, stay on the honor roll, be top in my class, play my sport at the D1 level someday, stay balanced and healthy, and most all said they hoped to make lots of new friends! It is to their credit that they are here, and willing to work hard and expose themselves to something new and very challenging. They are already ahead of the game just for showing up!

We are obviously very fortunate to have these kinds of motivated students at Tabor. But our mission is to partner with them to channel that raw motivation into something beyond good grades, strong athletic performance and a college acceptance. We are seeking to create high achieving, responsible and committed citizens. Our mission statement, in short, is:

  • To inspire a life-long love of learning
  • To instill a passion for the highest standards of achievement
  • To encourage personal responsibility
  • To foster care for others and committed citizenship

This is a lofty mission and one we can all be proud of and take part in: alumni, parents, grandparents, friends, faculty and staff. We waste no time in starting this important work with our newest students, because it is about the most important work in the world!We hope you, too, will partner with us and commit yourself to this mission on behalf of all our students.

The year ahead is full of possibilities and excitement! Congratulations to our Freshmen for pulling each other in, off the limb, and embracing a new community to begin to face together the unique challenge and opportunity that is Tabor! What a bright example you've set for us all to follow!