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Math Team Success

Posted by ksaltonstall on Apr 1, 2013 12:37:52 PM

Little did I know that Tabor had a Math Team. You do learn something new every day. In fact, it happens to be a very good Math Team, indeed.

Tom Jaillet's Math Team won the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Mathematic League Championship for the second consecutive year (we beat Dartmouth High School this year to win it.) The team represents our school with their sportsmanship very well, to the point that when the playoffs were scheduled during our March break this year, the other schools rescheduled it so that we could be included. This is a nice testament to our kids.

Additionally, on the math front, Nate Meleo '95 put together a group for the Moody's Mega Math Challenge which has made it to the second round of judging. Our team worked on a 14-hour long math modeling problem (can you imagine doing math from 7am until 9pm!) for which they received no adult help. Nate said, "The problem was to research and construct models dealing with plastics and recycling issues in the USA. First they had to find and use historical data to predict the number of plastic bottles in American landfills present in future years. Then they had to construct models determining the best recycling programs for cities of various sizes, and then finally see if those models would work country-wide."

I don't know about you, but this sounds like the just the kind of learning that really engages kids: focussing on real world problems, using skills they have learned in new and different ways, and having the support of faculty who believe in their abilities and bring these opportunities to their attention!

Way to go, Tabor students, Nate and Tom for your dedication to education. This is the way forward!