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Leaders: Right This Way!

Posted by ksaltonstall on Aug 29, 2012 4:29:20 PM

The next group back to campus in the preparations for the opening of school are our forty-two student proctors arriving today! Carefully selected through a nomination, recommendation and interview process, these are Tabor's most relied upon leaders. Their arrival signals the start of our teaching year as they engage immediately in a rigorous and engaging curriculum of leadership development. Ten full days, followed by weekly sessions all through semester one, we invest heavily in them.

And they deliver.

Proctor training consists of a leadership course that most business managers would value. Team and trust building, communication and situational leadership skill development exercises, discussions about human development and psychology, recognizing warning signs for depression, stress, substance abuse and other pitfalls. Learning where to go and who to approach for help; learning how to talk to peers in trouble. Critical life lessons and critical skills that help us turn a campus into a thriving learning community where each person is valued, and calculated risks are encouraged to reach personal bests.

Our proctors assist faculty throughout campus. They help the youngest with homesickness, to make new friends, to learn our culture, and how to stay organized as they get used to our busy schedule. They help older kids manage stress around heavy course loads, relationship issues, and their college bound futures. They are also looked to for leadership in all situations, working to keep their peers safe and make every encounter a little more friendly or just a bit more fun. They help instill a sense of gratitude in our students for their school and the possibilities Tabor represents for them.

People at Tabor take great pride in our strong sense of community. This is shared work among us all, and the proctors and the very concrete training they are given by our faculty trainers are a large part of how that community feeling comes together. Best part of all is that they do all this, on top of sports and academics and clubs, because they really care about making Tabor the best it can be.

We are better for their commitment and grateful for their leadership. Welcome Proctors!

Topics: Student Life