The 9 Best things about boarding at Tabor

We checked with some of our boarding students to find out what the best things about boarding at Tabor actually are. Here is what Sydney F. '18, Ryan K. '18, and Chip C. '19 had to say!

Dorm Life - 3651838.jpg1) Gaining Independence

This was the number one vote across the board! It’s amazing what you can do when you try. And at boarding school, even though you are not at your home and your parents aren’t right there, learning to be self-sufficient is incredibly rewarding. The best part is, you aren’t on your own and you do not have to know how to do everything on your own. That’s what a community is for.  

2) Living With Friends

The thing that sets boarding school graduates apart throughout their lives is how they see the world as a result of having gone to school and, most importantly, lived with people who aren’t all the same as them. It’s cool to find the similarities and also to learn what is different and celebrate that, too.

3) Faculty Members!

Faculty members call Tabor home, too. This is a lifestyle for everyone who works here, not just a job, and you can tell how much they Dorm Life - 3649866.jpg are. It’s the little things, like fresh muffins for advisory meeting or a ride to Target to re-stock on laundry detergent, that sometimes mean the most. 

4) Access to Everything

Every weekend, we have open art studio, gym, and waterfront, which are great ways to spend some down time. During the week, being able to commit to a number of different kinds of activities without the pressure of a commute makes it easier to have a more fulfilling high school experience. 

5) Seawolves Together

At Tabor, the hockey captain does ceramics and writes his own music. The lead in the musical switched over from varsity squash. Students are inspired by their friends and their involvement. Be quick to get a seat in the Black Box theatre or Fireman Auditorium on opening night. Hurry over to the Fish Center to watch the game. You won’t want to miss a second of your friends’ opportunity to display their talents and you’ll want to be cheering the loudest.

Cheering - 3871974.jpg6) Sharing Meals

Throughout the world, the sharing of meals is synonomous with camaraderie, friendship, and community and so it is true at Tabor. In our newly-renovated dining hall, enjoying a breakfast review session with a friend or lingering after dinner just to chat add warmth and depth to a Tabor day. Or, enjoy a soft-serve twist ice cream cone on the way to class...

7) Dorm Traditions 

Each dorm at Tabor has their own mini-culture. Boarding students enjoy gathering with fellow dorm residents for traditions special and unique to each of the different dorms. It could be the West v. Makepeace dodgeball tournament, Pizza and Pats in Matsumura, celebrating birthdays, or reading weekly one page stories about inspirational women in Spring Street. Many dorms have a fire pit for casual evenings by the fire with music, s'mores, and good company.  

8) Always Someone to Help

With our vertical housing system, there is always someone in the dorm who has taken that class or done that problem or researched that topic before. Older students are happy to show the way for younger students. All you have to do is open your door.

Scenics - 4485152.jpg

9) The Ocean, of Course

Not everyone at Tabor is a marine scientist, rower, or sailor. In fact, a large percentage of our students don’t do any of the above! But we all love the view, especially the lucky Lillard residents with the Sippican-side rooms. We all love the peace that our location provides. No one can fail to be moved by the sunrise, or the moonshine, or the sound of the rigging clanging against the mast. Be sure to wander down and enjoy the view when you come to visit Tabor.